Audio Physics ...Bright or forward?

I have been auditioning some Audio Physics speakers and they do things I have never heard other speakers do, even more expensive ones. Their bass is very tight and defined and the musical trimbe is excellent. But I think they are forward, not bright but have a lot of presents. I am afraid they will be fatiguing over time. I have home auditioned them twice. I need to make a decision, either I buy these from the local dealer buy something else site unheard some where else. I am basically looking for someone to confirm or denigh my thoughts on Audio Physics.
I haven't heard the new Tempo so I can't comment. See if you can borrow some Cardas Cross interconnect and speaker cable. This might take care of your problem. Check with the Cable Company. Good luck. Wendell
I agree w/Jeff-- if you have doubts now, chances are you'll have doubts later. IMHO, a speaker should let you know unequivocally whether it's for you.
Bojack's statement makes alot of sense. If you don't like them now you probably never will. Good advice.
I have the spark 2's.They sound great to me,I never got tired of them.Infact I put them back in the box so I don't get used to them.And thats where they've been for 6 years.But I do love the sound of them.