scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
It is immediately apparrant for even a casual reader of the forum to correctly conclude that gdhal attempted to perpetrate a fraud upon the Audiogon community of audiophiles and the many posts of his that have been deleted by the moderators further support this simple observation.

I do recall a number of your threads were also deleted.

As to fraudulence, I look at a bit differently. As soon as I mentioned my rationale for wanting to skype - because seeing and hearing you lends credibility to the authenticity of your interest - and that it is a possibility you are merely a 14 year old school girl without the financial means and/or legal authority to enter into any agreement - did I validate your insincerity.
OK, I’ll try one more time. The link to the AES meeting minutes found among all those blind test links (as if sheer numbers are supposed to mean something) revealed - now get this! -BELDEN had supposedly conducted BLIND TESTS for wire directionality with some unnamed audio magazine. AND that the results were supposedly negative. So here’s the $64K Question, y’all: where is the evidence of that Belden blind test? Did it just disappear? Hel-loo!

gdhalm"There is no need to take clearthink’s garbled words for it."

There is no need for anyone to take my word for it unlike you I suggest people conduct they’re own scientific, verifiable, repeatable double-blinded listening tests. The thoughtful and purposeful decision’s of this forum’s moderators to repeatedly delete your posts and provocations is all the proof anyone in this forum should reasonably require to decisively conclude that the undeniable proof is that your $25,000 USD listening "challenge" was a patent fraud and extortion which makes you a fraud or as another contributor observed here in a published and undeleted post a "con." I also note for the benefit of other’s here that you have continued your efforts to pursue your fraudulent test by privately messaging me through Audiogon seeking a skype conversation even though I have already explained to you I will not engage you in private conversation but instead insist that all communications be here in the public forum so that you can be revealed for the fraud that your $25,000 USD challenge is.