Owning too many speakers

I have multiple sets of speakers that I own and listen to. I have a garage full (my listening space) of Thiel cs3.5, Klipsch Cornwall II's and Heresies, Carver AL-III, Dahlquist dq-10, Allied 2300c, vintage Infinity, B&w, Soundwave pointsource 3.0 - let alone the ones in other systems in the house and what I've sold over the last 12 months - I've bought none of these new (pawnshops, newspaper, garage sales, thrift stores,consignment) I've found every speaker has its own sound/characteristics (image, soundstage, accuracy) and depending on the day i enjoy listening to each. Are there others with this type of speaker interest?
Parsifal Encores, VSM SEs, Zingali 3s, Sonatinas, plus Red Rose minis, Infinity Modulus, old Sonus Faber bookshelves and 3A de Capos. There may be some others hiding in a corner somehwere.

Definitely a problem.
Still, can't help thinking about Soundlab.

Verity Parsifal Encores, Audio Physic Virgos, Proac Response 2.5s, Proac Response 1SC, Unity Audio Signature One's. Plus a whole set of Definitive Technology HT speakers and subs. If I add another pair something has to go, I wonder if my wife was referring to me :>)
Hello. My name is HoseHead, and I am a serial speaker purchaser...

I'm not going to dive any deeper into the gutter and totally embarrass myself by listing 'em all (and come on - how much more embarrassing can it be than to admit you're a hosehead?) but let's face it - we're all just in line waiting to be committed. It's what we do, we can't help it, and we can't stop.

And yes, I am looking at a deal for this really cool pair of...
Snell Type Aii in main listening room; KEF Reference 3.5 in master bedroom; JM Lab for surround sound for my TV; KEF surround sound for kid's TV.
Man, reading this is cathartic...I thought it was just me. I had three pairs in the living room until a couple of weeks ago, now just one + the Europas in the home theatre. But I'm sure there will be more soon enough. And now I can tell my wife it's normal!