Used Sonus Faber vs. New Entry level SF?

Hi - I recently auditioned the Sonus Faber newer Chameleon speakers and liked the mids and highs; not sure on the lows - seemed a bit light and not tight - could have been the room, and I could add a sub if needed. 

There are not many reviews on these Chameleons so I'm trying to decide whether to put my money on a 'higher end' used pair of SF like the Grand Piano Home at $1800 used (or other used SF) vs. the new Chameleon's for about the same price.  Thanks for any advice  
Thanks Soix and this is very helpful. I came out of the Chameleon audition liking the mids and highs but wondering what I would do about lack of bass definition and punch - it just wasn't there. So they're probably good for classical but not rock or even jazz.  Thanks for the advice!  
Depends on what type of classical music,I listen to a lot of piano recordings and even those must have well defined deep bass to be convincing.

My Dad has the original Concerto, Concertino, Wall, and Solo and they are great speakers.   I was over there the other night and was still impressed how good they sound.   I would try to find a nice used pair, unfortunately some think these are worth a lot more than I'd be willing to pay so just be patient if you do go used, there are still some good deals on these.