Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars

WHOOPEE!!!!! Today, I parted finally with my beloved B&W N804s in favor of a pair of JA Pulsars in the Sapele Finish. Using temporarily a pair of Target stands until the Sound Anchors come in. I only have a couple of hours on these speakers, but they image like crazy and the sound is exquisite and non-fatiguing. They are much better suited to my 10x10x8 room than the B&Ws. Will post a more in-depth review after they’re broken in a bit more. This has been SOME St. Patty’s Day!
@prof Rich, hope you are well. I may have read your post incorrectly. Did you buy a pair of Perspectives or decide to forego buying them because they were white?


Ok, thanks for the clarification.  Makes sense now.  I'd love to have room (and budget) for Pearl 3s.   But if I buy JA it would be the Perspectives.


I've been interested in owning the Perspectives since I demoed them at a store and in my home.  They are very expensive though!   And I absolutely require the right finish on them to match my room.   I can have
a custom finish done if I want, but that increases the price.

I could have bought the white ones used in the recent Montreal show, through my local Joseph Dealer.  I was seriously contemplating the purchase as it was a great price, and I figured I could have the finish altered later if I decided to keep the Perpectives.  Unfortunately the fact they were all white put the kebosh on that idea.  It would mean even if I had the wood finish panels changed, the the front and top would remain white - yuck!  So, if I want a pair of Perspectives it looks like I'll have to buy new.

I have a pair of Thiel 3.7s I'll have to sell before going down that road, though.  (I also have a pair of Thiel 2.7s that I'm keeping, because I can't totally give up the Thiel sound!)

@prof Thanks for the clarification. I'm guessing that your desired finish is sapeli or rosewood? If so I'll keep my eyes open for you. Mine are sapeli and they are a beautiful finish. I think white would be a hard resell, probably why the really good deal was on the table.

I would love to be able to grab a used pair of Perspectives, but I am committed to buying from my local Joseph Dealer.   The finish I really want, that I would get custom, is either Macassar Ebony or Tiger Ebony.  Not only are they dramatic grains, the color tends to be more black/brown with yellow highlights which is the exact color scheme of my room.  Speakers that are too orange don't look right, and Rosewood as nice as the grain is often can be orangy-red.  I had a pair of Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers in Rosewood and it was, in of itself, an absolutely gorgeous finish.  But it clashed with the room.   

So my plan would be to order a pair in Rosewood, and given the variation in color, ask for a pair that is tending more towards brown.  If I live with them for a while and decide I want to sell them, it would be a good finish for re-sell.  But if I decided to keep them I'd later on have them re-finished to the Ebony wood.   Whoever does the woodwork for Joseph is amazing and I drool over the idea of how an Ebony wood Perspectives could look, done by Jeff's cabinet guy.

Sorry...more than you wanted to know there.  But the Perspectives have been on my mind for almost a year since I demoed them.

We had the Pulsars in sapeli. My wife picked maple for the Perspectives. Great choices.