Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio?

I realize that this has been dissed before.
FWIW I'm a regular window shopper on Agon and have noticed a trend by sellers to misrepresent their wares and disregarding Agons condition rating guidelines in higher frequencies.  More listins stating item as"new" when item is obviously not and asking for top dollar. As of late for example an ad was placed for an item as "new" when owner admits that it is 1.5 years old and has at minimum 200+ hours of use. This in itself would be rated a 9/10 at best by the Agon rating system. Sellers are more defining and rating their product based on cosmetics than on functionality. For those buying it is increasingly important to do some deep research and close inspection of represenation pictures by enlarging available pictures to avoid disappointment. 
It is my opinion that buyers should not let emotions or immediate wants sway their common sense. At first sign of questionability be prepared to walk away.
Let the buyer beware

@kiko1974, your best option, far and away, for selling tubes is eBay.

Audiogon secondarily, though the drop off from eBay is huge.  The other sites will not be worth your effort 
I use both eBay and Agon for sales, just depends what I am selling.
High dollar, more unique items usually will do better on Agon and of course the commission is a LOT less here, max is $150 compared to eBay which can run right up to $750! before it is capped which is disgraceful in all honesty.
Now cheaper and lesser goods, cables and similar is pretty much an even wash and I will usually list on both sites as I see a LOT of Agon sellers doing the same.

As far as buying I check both sites but extremely important is the feedback whichever site I check. I have been on eBay since 2002, here since 2012 for sales/buying and 100% feedback is my goal on every single transaction.

Yes there are a lot of misrepresenting when it comes to goods, EBay being worse imho. Its always a case of buyer beware, do your research and homework and use that very rare animal....common sense!
I prefer USAudiomart.  I get better quality buyers and selling is free.  Audiogon buyers tend to want to haggle forever and tire kick.
I have never tried selling on audiomart but one thing I do know (imho) is the format is horrible and the search functions are pretty low rent.
Those aspects on their own were enough to cause me to give up searching on there.
Plenty of low ballers and tire kickers on both eBay and Agon unfortunately.