Moving from US to Singapore - help

I'm moving from USA to Singapore next year. I was going to buy a plasma TV and some home theater gear. Is there an issue of compatibility (format/voltage) if I buy in US and have shipped with my belongings? I could be wrong but prices seemed higher in Singapore. Should I only buy in Singapore/Asia?

Thanks to all who respond! Bob
IMHO,you should definitely wait and buy there. Not just because of voltage issues but also shipping a plasma over seas could prove to be an expensive mistake. Like I said, this is just my opinion.
Sell it all in the USA !! You won't miss it in Singapore.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year !!
There is a power diferance between Singapore and the US. I doubt that the US products would work. When I visited there 4 years ago I was told not to buy the local electronics because they would not work in the US. My suggestion is to purchase locally for the service.

Enjoy your time in Singapore. It is one of my favorite Asian countries. Stop in at Raffels for the curry.