Best cartridge under $1500.

  • Current turntable: Yamaha GT2000.
  • Current cartridge: Ortofon Quintet Red.
  • Music likes: Rock, Jazz, Electronic, classical.
  • Desired sound: bold and tighter bass, rich midrange, crisp highs.
Need help Agoners...have been torn between buying Dynavector 17D3, Ortofon Quintet Black, Sumiko Blackbird. Any other better alternatives? 
bump it up a little and go for the ortofon cadenza blue.  bold dynamics, a real punchy rocker that sounds great on all genres. shreds the 2m black and sounds better than the art9.  
Love the 17D3, don't think you can get a more accurate cart on the market. Fussy with setup is the only downside.