Phonostages with Adjustable Curves, the Concise List

I have seen mentions of this in other threads, but can't seem to find any of these lists...hopefully this thread will help others as well looking for these types of devices.

Thank you everyone for your posts!

Ag insider logo xs@2xbearotti
Why do you need an adjustable RIAA curve ? For which records? 
It's much better to have RCA plug sockets for load resistors (to load or unload the cartridge). 
@chakster this recent review illustrates the value of multiple curves to suit the way specific records were cut (nothing to do with loading)
Why do you need an adjustable RIAA curve ?
I don't think the OP was asking about an adjustable RIAA curve, but about the non-standard curves that predate the RIAA standard, such as the Columbia EQ.