New or Old CD Player?

Let's say I have $5K, tops, to buy a CD player. I don't need digital inputs, outputs, etc. I don't need to spin SACD's. I only intend to play Redbook CD's and want a one-box solution. Would my money be better spent on a new unit, like maybe a Hegel Mohican? Or should I buy a component that was close to state of the art a decade ago? Like maybe a Simaudio 750D, or an Audio Research Reference CD8? Thoughts?

Yup!  They now make a 'music center' the Cantata - which plays CDs but also contains lots of other bells the OP does not want.

The Opus-21 is circa 2004

@twoleftears sorry, I don't know much about Primare.  I believe you are right the TEAC transports.

I also believe history proves you find yourself in very good hands with  Bryston.  Even if the CD assembly has gone out of production, I can't see them leaving their customers out in the cold

Thanks! for sharing. Odd decision about the Bryston BCD-1? Good to read that they are back on track w/ the BCD-3 regarding transports/parts avail for repair/replacement.  Recently, I saw the Primare CD35. The previous CD32 used a Sanyo disc drive/transport that is readily avail. I wonder why those guys switched again?
Happy Listening!
At this level of cost & quality/ 
I assume the player is well thought out and don't worry much about potential replacement parts.