@hodu +1, I too thought it was very telling that they needed two guitarist to replace LB.


Bob Welch and Danny Kirwan maybe? Can any fan forget the memorable music from the early 70’s albums. Maybe not in the realm of the classic mid 70’s era with LB and SN. I still listen to "Future Games" and love it. Different eras and one of the endearing characteristics of this band, the changes through the years.
I've seen Fleetwood Mac many times.  Quite a few times early on and several times here recently.

ALWAYS a fantastic show!

The band Fleetwood Mac has always had a tumultuous history.  Why would this be such big news?

Seems to me the new dudes are quite accomplished and should be a worthwhile addition(s) to the band.

Love Lindsey, but time marches on...

"I've seen Fleetwood Mac many times. Quite a few times early on and several times here recently.

ALWAYS a fantastic show!

The band Fleetwood Mac has always had a tumultuous history. Why would this be such big news?

Seems to me the new dudes are quite accomplished and should be a worthwhile addition(s) to the band.

Love Lindsey, but time marches on..."

100% ditto here. I've seen them once... It was 2013 or 14, prior to Christine rejoining the band. All the greats are getting older, as are some of us. As much as I enjoy Lindsay in FM, I would be open minded to see the upcoming tour with Mike and Neil. Thanks for the recommendation for FUTURE GAMES. I am just now delving in to some older Mac I now have as part of an LP collection I recently bought. I have been enjoying Then Play On, and will likely reach for FG next.