Soundlab speakers with sub woofers?

Hello, I'm looking for input from folks that have used Soundlab speakers or electrostat speakers with sub woofers. It's thought that the sub woofer needs to be quick in order to keep up with the speed of the panel and integrate seamlessly. Has anyone found a subwoofer(s)that was fast enough to work with an electrostat panel and more specifically Soundlab electrostats? What model of subwoofer worked well and how was the subwoofer integrated into the system?
A few years back I heard an A1 system with Soundlab's subs, don't remember the model name but the sound was extremely impressive and musical. Don't know if they're still making them but its worth looking for a pair of their low frequency panels.

David, thank you. I didn't know that SL made subs. I will check that out. Thank you for responding
Keith - If you have a limited amount of room available to position the speakers, dipolar designs like the Soundlabs may not be the best speaker for your application. Their positioning doesn't just affect the bass, but the overall performance level of the speaker. If there's any way that you could try them in your room before purchasing it would be advisable and could save you a lot in the long run.
You're welcome Keith. They had 2 or 3 different electrostatic subs, the large one matching the A1 was the B1 and its fantastic. In all honesty A1+B1 would be my choice speaker system if I could use the Lamm SETs with them and I didn't have the Bionors.

Bill_k, Yes, I agree about trying them out first. I spoke with Roger West (Mr. SL) about that and he said that he would be happy to send a pair out for me to try in my room. He said in his 30 years no one has sent them back!

Dkarmeli - I'm going to shoot Roger at SL an email tomorrow to inquire about the subs. He has always been very helpful. It's just nice to get real world advice from end users too. Thanks for your help.