I’m with ya’ Mofimadness, all those lps you like starting with Future Games, had Bob Welch as I am sure you know. He never got the credit he deserved for leading FM with Christine McVie in the mid-Mac era. Bare Trees and Mystery to Me - not a bad song on Mystery, even the Yardbirds For You Love is great. Well recorded, layers of guitars, good vocals. He started the transition into what they became. Welch story is so sad- committed suicide so his wife would not have to care for him due to severe back issues post surgery. For me, Then Play On is a classic - serious organics while listening to that one during college. Still play the first and second Mac periods often!
kiln house was my favorite too (future games being second best)--it was the transition between the peter green blues era and the later pop stuff. danny kirwan was an underrecognized genius and his songs like "dust" and "jewel eyed judy" are classics.
I worked security For Fleetwood Mac at the LA Fourm for the Tusk tour. I had a great seat right next to the guy working the sound board and lights for 3 nights in a row if memory serves me right, keeping people out of his line of sight for the stage. They had the USC marching band at every show playing for the Tusk song. Very enjoyable concert show.
“ Don’t ask me what I think of you , I might not give the answer that you want me too “! I’m with Chayro , I saw - Rory Gallagher -  Fleetwood Mac - Deep Purple together . Also saw the “ Girls “ too . Lindsey came through here some time back on a solo tour . Life’s in session and everything changes . Thanks for the Flashback , Mike B. 
One of my all time favorite bands and I hate to say it, but they will not be the same without LB no matter who they replace him with.

This is very sad news but doesn't surprise me with the history of the band. There will never be another band like FWM period so we should enjoy the music they had together........