Long lost songs

This is a discussion on songs or versions we've heard maybe just once on the radio and spent years searching for. Anything you knew existed, but couldn't find.

For instance, about 1972 I was lying in bed listening to the local progressive rock station (WNEW) as I was falling asleep. On come a great R&B song with a line something like "Before I Die I want to be the kind of man you want me to be". The DJ never announced the title or artist that I could hear. Never heard it again. Years later I heard "She's Gone" by Hall and Oats and figured it was them. Nope. Continued to search on and off for decades, employing new technology as it became available.

Early this year, while searching for something totally different on SecondHandSongs I came across "When I Die" by Mother Lode. Bingo! Joy, joy, joy! Found the CD on Amazon, (only format available) Love It. Most of the rest of their songs are weird but "When I Die" is almost as good as my memory had made 'Before I Die'.

Another example is versions. There are some song that I love that have very different interpretations by various artists. "Hey Joe" and "Morning Dew" are two. I like to collect those versions. Long ago I heard a version of "Morning Dew" sung by a guy with a very unique voice. It had a mesmerizing rhythm guitar line that got into my brain. I never forgot it, because the girl I was with turned out to be a nymphomaniac. What a night!

Using   SecondHandSongs agin, I found Long John Baldry on his self-titled album on EMI. What a crystal clear LP! He's recorded several fine versions of the song, but this is THE one with that guitar line. Highly recommended.

I am sure many of you have similar tales and can relate to the elation I felt on finding something I'd been searching for for decades. Let's hear them.
@ghosthouse  by doing a Duck Duck Goose search rather than a Youtube search I am coming up with plenty of Crabby Appleton songs, all of the ones I've sampled are pretty good. Never heard of them before. Thanks for the tip. Can you be more specific about the ones you've ruled out?

Here's a link to the Brokett piece, no relation to Dylan.

@rwisen I've been thinking I need some Everly Brothers in my collection ever since I got Raising Sand (Gone, gone gone.)

Hey 2channel8 -
I knew nothing of Duck Duck Goose as a search engine, so thank you for that tip.

Now I do feel kind of foolish because the first video in what you linked to with CA playing Go Back (Dick Clark Am Bandstand appearance) seems like it could very well be the song I was thinking of. The year is certainly right (1970) and, after all, it was just THE hit single off their (first?) album - Track #1! I remember the tune being hooky with interesting changes; something you just wanted to put on repeat. So that matches up to Go Back too (at least for me). Not sure why I didn’t recognize it or how I managed to overlook it previously. But I think that was the song! THANKS.

I liked it, too. According to Wiki, that was their only hit. If you notice, most of those YouTube videos were posted by the lead singer, Michael Fennelley himself.
It must have been 1974 when I heard She's Gone ( @ghosthouse how do you get italics?) on WNEW late one night. I never heard it again and couldn't find it in the record stores. That's the way we searched back then. About 2 years later Hall & Oates original was a hit nationally, as it had been in the Philadelphia market. I was happy I could hear the song anytime I wanted now; but it didn't quite sound the same as my memory.

Last year I cam across Tavares' version, also released in 1974 when they were a much better known group than Hall & Oats. 


Is that what I heard in 1974? Who the F can tell at this point?

Or maybe it was the rarely heard 5 minute Hall & Oats cut:
