Suggestions for cartridge, just fancy a change of flavour

Present cartridge is Shelter 501 mk3
Mounted on Nottingham Analog Spacedeck with standard Spacearm
Going through Gold Note PH-10 phono
Into Lyngdorf 2170
Wilson Witt series speakers.

Again absolutely nothing wrong with the Shelter but it came with the TT and have never heard any other on this setup and would at least like to consider a change.

My vinyl collection consists of mostly rock recordings from 70,s and up.

Budget? $1500 to $2000, not adversed to low hour used.

And no I am not looking for suggestions to change the phono stage, arm, TT or anything else just other peoples actual cartridge experiences.

I would say I have about 250 hours on my Shelter and it came with the TT so unsure of TRUE full hours, I use Lyra fluid on it regular and vinyl is cleaned by US .
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
I have a Shelter 901 and like it. Probably similar to the 501.

You should listen to an EMT. Great cartridge.
Dear @chakster :

""  MM or MI cartridge for rock music if you want real slam and killer bass. Look for vintage MM from the same era (70s/80s). ...The very best MM are neutrail like the AT-ML170 for example. Hard to beat by any MC. ""

You almost have no idea ( exactly as me a few years ago. ) on what is the qualty bass performance levels. It's the other way around on what you posted: no single MM can beats/outperfoms any of those ( and many other LOMC cartridges. ) cartridges in those links.
