Anyone bought direct from ps audio and returned it?

I don’t have a ps audio dealer here in Minneapolis to demo their BHK pre-amp so I’m looking to go directly with ps audio. Has anyone returned a unit under their 30 day return policy and had any issues returning it. If it’s what I’m looking for I’ll buy it,if not it will go back.
thanks hiend.
I'm pretty sure you can count on PS Audio to cheerfully refund your money, should you not cotton up to their gear.  I don't know for a fact, because I kept the amps and the pre rather than seek a return, but their whole enterprise ethos seems totally customer focused, above board, and truly cheerful.

If you try it, enjoy!  
I doubt you will have any problems dealing with PSA. I sent my transport for warranty service and it was returned within a weeks time. Customer service responds quickly to email, and even their forum is excellent.
I have not purchased directly from PS Audio however they are 100% excellent to work with and I would not hesitate to purchase directly from them.