Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?

I recently purchased Rotel Integrated amp and B&W 703's to pair with my broken-in Rotel 1072 DC player. I've only had the system for 2 weeks, but I can't notice any improvent, The broken-in system sounded very good in the store but at home it sounds cold, dry, sterile, with harsh highs. I find the more I listen, the less I want to listen, which only slows doen the breaking-in process. Are there any audiogoners who've had experience with taming overly trebly B&W's?
I'd sell the whole rig and buy a Ping Pong table. Pocket the cash and adopt a hobby the whole family, and your friends will enjoy.

Goatwus, I'm not at all convinced that B&W 703's are "bad gear". I may yet arrive at such an opinion, but I heard a pair of 804's with classe SS amplification that sounded very rich and musical-- I just wasn't contemplating spending $10,000. at that time. The salesman I'm working with insists the 804 is not an inherently richer (or "less-bright", for you folks who don't like B&W) speaker than the 703, so I'm inclined to believe the Rotel amp and perhaps, as DR. Lou suggests, the Rotel cd player is/are to blame. Unfortunately, Sacramento CA is not blessed with many high-end audio dealers. Most folks around here don't seem to care about audio unless it's coming outta their television, so consequently, dealers sell "home theater" increasingly, while two channel audio has been pushed further and further into the background. I'm going to demo some classe amplification next. Anyway, thanks for the input!
StuartK,It is possible that one of your speakers is out of phase.This would cause a lightweight bright sound.Even if they are wired up correctly there is a chance that one or more elements are incorrectly connected.Most obvious would be one of the woofers.You should check that all the drivers are wired the same.This entails unscrewing them and looking at the connections.These should be colour coded.
I have come across two pairs of speakers that were factory wired out of phase.
A quick way to check this would also be to reverse the polarity on one of the speakers and see if it sounds better.
Your Rotel CD player has a rolled off treble so this is not likely the cause.

The Rotel is a fine player. But it will present what it's fed, bad recordings will sound bad and good recordings will sound good. I've got the CDM9 NT's, the 703's precursors. Those 703's are pretty nice. Keep 'em.

Let the new amp burn in for awhile. The speakrs should burn in for awhile too. Don't jump to conclusions for a bit. A couple of weeks at least. Let the system play, get some hours on it.

BTW, my Krell sounds great with my 1072 and CDM9's. But it is CD dependent. Some CD's are completely unlistenable, it's a joke what the music companies are putting out. Some CD's are sublime.