Aurender A10 setup - loading from CDs

Just purchased A10.  The instructions in the quick start guide for connecting to my local network worked. The A10 appears to find the Aurender app on my iPad. And the app appears to communicate with the A10.


My goal has been to move my CD collection to the A10.   Unfortunately, I am completely lost when comes to how to do this. What I’ve tried doesn’t appear to work. Here’s what I’ve tried.

Strategy 1:

          Following the online App Guide on the Aurender site, tried making the direct local network connection between my MacBook Pro and the A10.  The first three steps when well:

  • 1.     Locate the Finder menu bar at the top of your desktop.
  • 2.     Click GO -> CONNECT TO SERVER from the navigation bar.
  • 3.     Type in 'smb://' followed by your Aurender's IP address. (For example: smb:// The IP address can be found under SETTINGS -> NAS.


Step 4 didn’t appear…

4.     Click Connect and a window will appear with folders labeled hdd1'and 'hdd2' Open the folder.

But the popup window for Step 5 did appear:

5.     A popup window will ask for a Username and Password. They can be found in the iPad application under SETTINGS -> NAS.

Unfortunately, when I went to SETTINGs -> NAS [Server], instead of giving me a Uusername and password, I was asked to provide a username and password.  I can’t find these anywhere, so this is a dead end for me.

Strategy 2:

The online App Guide also has a section describing how to add music to the A10 from an external USB memory device. To try this, I first dragged two album files from my iTunes music directory on the MacBook to a 4TB external HD. I then plugged in the HD to one of the A10’s USB ports.

I tried copying these albums following the instructors under the “Disk Information” tab in “Settings” on the app. I did the copy all command to music1 and the albums now appear in the playlist editor. Success, but none of the album art came over and its now clear how it could be added. Nor am I confident that this is the longterm solution.

I'm a newbie to computer audio beyond ITunes/iPod.  Any advice about how to get beyond this impasse?

@rinpoche, You are welcome.  After you run Doug's Scripts, go to the folder where the albums are saved and look for the file named "Folder.jpg".   Click on it to confirm the album art is displayed.  The file must be named folder.jpg so the Aurender can display the cover art on the iPad.   If the file is named "album name.jpg", you ran the wrong Doug's Script.  There are 2 album art scripts.  The "Save Album art to Album folder is the WRONG one.  The correct Script is "Save album art as folder.jpg".  It seems you ran the correct script but to be safe, I would verify it.  

You mentioned "Aurender then also recommended some other process that was just not in my zone (db power something or other)".  I do not know what this means.  

The album cover art is highly recommended since it makes it easier to find your albums on the iPad.   Aurender Customer Support recommends cover art because albums are easier to find.

When you install your Aurender A10, please update its firmware.  The update process may be automatic when you connect it but I cannot remember.  On the iPad Conductor App, go to setting and check for updates.  The Aurender Conductor App is installed from the Apple Store on your iPad.   I strongly recommend your Aurender A10 be directly wired to your router (hard wired).  Wi-Fi is not recommended.    

I also recommend you implement Tidal Streaming at $19.99 per month.  Tidal steams using uncompressed CD quality albums and also offer over 10,000 MQA Coded Albums.  Your A10 DAC includes full decoder MQA technology and is a fully compliant MQA end-to-end solution enabling you to play back MQA audio files for very high quality.  

I own the Aurender N10 Music Streamer and like it very much.  Its addition to my audio system substantially improved my sound quality over my MAC Book Pro computer.  You are going to like the A10 very much.
Hi Hgeifman!!
Perfect. I will do exactly that and let you know. I will check. It seems I ran the right script, but was I successful? That is what I need to find out and will look at the folder as you suggest. I can send you the Aurender instructions, something about a parallel desktop..?????

I have Tidal HD already. Love it. And I am getting the N10 -- not the A10. My DAC, however, is not MQA compatible so I won't be using that feature. Oh well, I am happy and looking very much forward to its arrival on Tuesday. I was also using my MacBookPro so I look forward to improved audio quality. It just keeps getting better and better. 

But I am also looking forward to the ease of use. Right now I have to get up and walk over the the computer to change songs, etc. This will be such a pleasure and I can stop hurting my back!!

I will be in touch -- stay tuned on Tuesday for the execution. Fingers crossed. 🤞🤞🤞 
I believe that MQA and Aurender partnered to to allow the DAC MQA unfold to be purchased for around $60 and downloaded to your N10.  Since the N10 is already MQA compatible as a server, adding the DAC MQA portion will now make your unit fully compatible and you can achieve a "full" unfold.  Since you have Tidal you can now listen to All 10k+ MQA Masters.
@rinpoche, Go to your album folder on your Computer and select any album.  Look in that folder for the words "folder.jpg".   This means Doug's Script installed the album cover art in the correct location.   

NOTE:  My albums were ripped using iTunes.   Unfortunately, I discovered that some albums had no cover art meaning after you transfer them to your Aurender, the album cover will NOT appear on the Conductor iPad App.  I manually went into that albums folder, looked for albums NOT having the folder.jpg file, Googled the album name, found the cover art image (jpg) and copied it to the correct location.   YES, this was very time consuming (and boring).  The challenging part is finding the albums that do not include cover art.  I searched every album and added cover art to the albums missing it.  This process took me several days. THERE MUST be better solutions but I could not find them.  

The Aurender A10 delivers “FULL Decoder MQA file playback from the internal DAC.   This is possible since the A10 has its own DAC.

The Aurender N10 handles MQA by providing MQA Core decoding only (the FIRST unfold typically to 88.2 or 96kHz) which could be converted to analog at that frequency by a non-MQA DAC or fully MQA decoded when processed by a DAC that functions as an MQA Renderer.   Listening to MQA Coded albums having the first layer unfold is an improvement (my opinion).  As was stated above, the cost for the MQA Core decoder license is $54.99.  

When you open the Conductor App, go to the Master Tab and hit Master Search.  10,000+ MQA Coded albums will appear for you to search (great news).   HOWEVER, we discovered, that sometimes the search will get mixed up and only 48 MQA albums will appear.  This is a software opportunity (bug) that Aurender is working on (Question was asked at AXPONA).   The suggested work around is to remove the Conductor App from memory and re-load it.  This resets the Master Search field and temporarily solves the problem.  I do not have a time frame when this will be fixed but I am hoping very soon.
Instructions for clearing iPad (or iPhone) Apps from short-term memory are:  

Double tap the home button to open the multitasking screen. scroll left or right to the App you want to close, swipe up on it to close it. Repeat for any other apps you want to close.