Guess i am giving away my age but to me the real fleetwood mac was a superior blues band that over a decade became a pop band. Saw then 6 or 7 times in clubs and at the acoustically perfect Auditorium Theatre.  The first few albums imho had a depth of feeling they never recreated.  Listen to the Chess recordings in Chicago   with the likes of Otis Span on Piano, the incomprable Willie Dixon on upright bass, Shakey Horton on harmonica and  JT Brown on Sax combined with Spencer, Kerwin,  and Green on Guitars (Buddy Guy joined on several tracks) and of course the rythem  section (John and Mick) at their best.  Then go to just the band on 'Then Play On" and "Kiln House".  Hard to beat and while a admit the skills of Bob or Lindsey ... it just never reached the mark set early on.
The thing about a long-lived, different-membered band like Fleetwood Mac, is that comparing different line-ups is an apple-to-oranges comparison. The original Peter Green-lead version was a pure Chicago Blues Band, while the Kiln House album is heavily 1950's Rock 'n' Roll-infused. When Buckingham and Nicks joined, Fleetwood Mac became a Pop Group, and I mean that in the positive sense (Pop is often used in a pejorative manner. Not I---I love Pop music. Sophisticated chord sequences, beautiful melodies, harmonies, and counterpoint---Brian Wilson, Bjorn & Benny---the B & B of ABBA, the Soul music of the 1960's, etc.). Buckingham & Nicks are about the songs, first and foremost---Pop.
Saw FM with Bob Welch opening for Jefferson Starship in San Diego (1974) and recall Bob welsh commenting on being the "real" Fleetwood Mac during their set.  I think there may have been some other "FM bands" touring at the time too?

That was a fun night :)
A summavagun is simply a way to clean up “son-of-a-b***h”  in order to maintain the cordial nature of this, or any other A’gon forum. 

There’s also a little bit of Walt Kelly in me. Mr. Kelly was an incredible, clever, intelligent artist who created one of the finest, funniest, comic strips you’ll come across.  Pogo.  Definitely worth a google for you youngsters out there.  He enjoyed playing with language’s elasticity and, I’m almost certain of it, would enjoy how the word “obsolete” was hijacked, renewed, and employed above. 

I’m 61 now. I vaguely remember when we imagined we’d be operating vehicles that fly, etc. etc., etc. 
What we actually received is better cars, at least compared to what was available in the way back. The future is an imagined. (New use!)

I’ve long been curious about the Tekton brand, visiting the site, watching the A’gon classifieds, admiring their high efficiency. I have cycled tube amps, hybrid amps, class d amps - the whole megillah - through my system over the years and, citing a possible return to all tube in the foreseeable sometime, will definitely consider Tekton as a possibility.  

There is is something utterly comforting about tube gear for me that has nothing to do with any technical appreciation.  I don’t know a mosfet from a misfit, a sine wave from a rogue wave, but I know what I like. 
I came THIS close to purchasing a used pair of
Pendragons a year ago but after being able to see them at the seller’s home I opted out.  They are gargantuan.  They sounded okay, too.  And that’s not a knock.  Perhaps I’ll consider one of the smaller models if I return to tubes.  

As I approach my personal obsolescence I will offer this - the version replacing me will not best the version I constructed over the years,  it will, by dint of its associated dna, champion it.  

I predict that the speaker making everything before it obsolete will be suspended columns of Air