Lampizator vs. Mytek Manhattan II

I was about to pull the trigger on a DAC upgrade to the Lampizator Big 7, but a review of the Mytek Manhattan II in Stereophile caught my eye.

Mytek is 1/2 the price and includes MQA.....Herb Reichert rated it an A+. 

I use an Acoustic Plan transport, Shindo Giscours preamp, and 8 watt 300B mono amps.

Has anyone had great success using the Mytek Manhattan II as a DAC, with tube components?

Thanks for the advice.

I recently purchased the Manhattan 2 and am a bit overwhelmed at its build, feature set and outstanding musicality. It replaced perhaps the most respected 10k dac on the mkt that I thought was awesome before the Mytek.
The Manhattan 2 is a stunning piece of gear that’s going to cost BIG bucks to exceed. FWIW I’m using it as my primary source in a very high end system.

I have listened to the Manhattan II extensively in an excellent system (not my own but I know it well) and was extremely impressed. It is easily in the same league as the TotalDac, which I have also heard extensively in the same system, but the two DACs have different strengths. The Manhattan is all about resolution and detail retrieval and in this area it is the king, in my experience of course. One thing to note about the Manhattan: it benefits greatly from the Mytek ethernet bridge. Before the bridge was installed, it was certainly excellent but not exceptional. I would not buy the Manhattan without the bridge. 
Thank you for the excellent feedback.

I am in touch with Michal from Mytek and plan to do a demo.

Cleopatra52, are you referring to the Roon WiFi card, when you recommend the Ethernet bridge?

Thank you,

The Manhattan II does not handle WiFi.  The optional network card accepts hardwired network connection.  I use it to stream Tidal via Roon.  The Manhattan II is excellent and I second "cleopatra52"