Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?

Since I keep reading and hearing that audiophiles have replaced their 30K speakers with the Tekton Double Impacts, I started this thread to see what speakers and why they were replaced.  I really want to know who did this and why.  Personally, I do not believe anyone would give up 30K speakers for 3K speakers, but what do I know anyways?
Hey Everybody,

The review on the Ulfberht's by Ron Cook just went up on the website Stereo Times.  He replaced his 90K Wilson Audio Maxx 2's with the Tekton speaker.  By the way, I replaced my Lawrence Audio Cello's, retail 18K, after reviewing the Ulf's and coming to the same conclusions regarding their superlative performance.
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Thanks teajay, pretty impressive comparison to speakers costing many times more in the review. I've never heard Wilsons but the Tektons seem to get compared to them often. 

Like many others here I upgraded from the DI's to the SE's and couldn't be happier. When I purchased the DI's I owned the Legacy Focus SE's. The Legacys are excellent speakers and I figured they'd be a mainstay in my two channel system with the DI's going into a theater system. After listening to both speakers off and on for two weeks it quickly became apparent that I much preferred to DI's. I never expected that! The SE's take things to yet another level. As david_ten stated, the SE's are more refined but there is a certain liveliness the DI's possess that that the SE's don't quite match......an exuberant youthful vigor the more mature and refined SE's look down their nose at.
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A $300K system would definitely include a $30K ~ $62K pair of speakers.  I have listened to the Vandersteen Model Seven Mark II and a $100K system with the B&W 800 D3 and both sound amazing to me.
Both systems had a very fine and expensive turntable.