What are the best entry level integrated amps and speakers?

My daughter just got a new place and wants to upgrade her Best Buy based stereo system.  She is only interested in two channel stereo (good for her).  I told her if you're willing to get used equipment of high quality you'll get a better system like I did (Krell, Ayre, Revel).  We are looking for an integrated amp and speakers.  The amp should put out 75-100 watts.  She has enough room for floor standing speakers or something smaller.  So far I have researched NAD and Outlaw for amps and PSB for speakers.  What would you recommend?  I think the budget will be $1,000-1,500.

 Thanks for your input.

The new series Yamaha integrateds are full featured and well built. What sources does your daughter use?

I am a fan of 2-way stand mounts speakers. There is a Pair of Dynaco Exicte X14s offered here on AG for $700. B&W CM5s can also be had used around that price.  The Focal 706s are now discounted down to $550/pair new. B&W 685s can be had used for ~$400. Many other available for consideration, ones I have mentioned I am familiar with. If possible your daughter needs to arrange to listen to a few. 

A substantial upgrade can be achieved at her budget.
I wish her the best in her search.
A lot of people are raving about the new Elac Debut 2.0 series book shelf speakers for having great audio for the price.
per roberjman, yamaha makes a very nice integrated--accessories4less has great prices on yamaha 501, 701, etc. (as well as on comparable onkyo and marantz, which are quite serviceable). they also discount focal and canton speakers, which would pair nicely.