Tube Friendly Speakers - Down to 30Hz - $3000?

I'm looking for speaker recommendations that play down to 30Hz. Able to be fully driven without compromise by tube amplification with as little as 15wpc.

$3000 new or used.

16x19 room. Rock, jazz and classical.

Reasonably small footprint (Klipsch K-Horns and LaScalas are too large).

I have eliminated Zu Druid and Tones from contention. All other options are open.

Thanks in advance.
In fact, I just inquired whether Walter has any further Sols speakers in stock.


Restock (System | Threads | Answers)
He does, but not many.

BTW, the Soliloquy combo will be driven by an Eastern Electric M520 tubed integrated amplifier...
Tvad, let us know how the combo sounds. I've always wondered how the Eastern Electric M520 sounded.
Circumstances changed, and I've decided to forego the monitor/sub combination. I'm going to wait for the right pair of floorstanders.

At least that's the plan tonight...

If you stick w/15w amp, your options for floorstanders will be pretty limited. Coincidents are the first thing that comes to mind, although they are a bit "tipped up" tonally to my ears. If you get a little more power, I'd highly recommend that you consider Merlins. The FJ ohms that Quest For Sound sells and Totems are also pretty nice for small floorstanders in your price range. Cheers,
I've been using Coincident Super Eclipse II's for 5 years or so with Welborne Labs Laurel IIx (300B - 8 watts) in a small room. I run silver interconnects and speaker cables. The front end is a Ric Shultz modified Sony XA777ES SACD player and I have a BAT VK50SE preamp.

I personally think the top end (the Revelator tweeter) is not as extended as more modern tweeters (e.g. Ring Radiator, diamond domes) and the sound doesn't feel "tipped up" in my room.

I also like the Merlins a lot but they won't be happy with my amps.
