Tube Friendly Speakers - Down to 30Hz - $3000?

I'm looking for speaker recommendations that play down to 30Hz. Able to be fully driven without compromise by tube amplification with as little as 15wpc.

$3000 new or used.

16x19 room. Rock, jazz and classical.

Reasonably small footprint (Klipsch K-Horns and LaScalas are too large).

I have eliminated Zu Druid and Tones from contention. All other options are open.

Thanks in advance.
Silverline Sonata III is at the top of my list. The Coincident Super Eclipse III were under strong consideration, but I received too many conflicting viewpoints regarding their power requirements to make me comfortable.

Sbank, what kind of music do you listen to, and at what volume?
Could you please rehash why you ruled out the Druid's? You might have information that would be helpful to other members.


09-19-06: Pawlowski6132
Could you please rehash why you ruled out the Druid's?
I have heard them on five different occasions, and I do not care for their sound. Personal preference.

Pray Allah, please don't let this thread become a discussion of Zu loudspeakers...

To follow up on a prior post, I was using Living Voice Avatars which would fit your needs and am collecting a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios tomorrow. They were VERY impressive on demo, dynamic, accurate rich tone, almost nothing to criticise. At 89db they should'nt be able to cope with a SET, but an 18watt SET used at the demo seemed to cope very well. Thats probably down to the benign impedence. They look good and are of a room friendly size
Well, let me tell you what I think about the Zu Druids...

Just kidding. Thanx


I just bought the lower end Omegas which don't meet your frequency threshold requirements but, I'd venture to guess their larger brothers might come close. Ever consider that line or Reference 3a?