Tube Friendly Speakers - Down to 30Hz - $3000?

I'm looking for speaker recommendations that play down to 30Hz. Able to be fully driven without compromise by tube amplification with as little as 15wpc.

$3000 new or used.

16x19 room. Rock, jazz and classical.

Reasonably small footprint (Klipsch K-Horns and LaScalas are too large).

I have eliminated Zu Druid and Tones from contention. All other options are open.

Thanks in advance.
long and interesting thread for such a straightforward question. Just about every speaker I could think of has been listed but I would make a few comments.

first I agreee with several posters that if 15w (likely SET) is your foundation, stick with a slightly more limited FR or supplement the LF. Everyone always gets all worked up about showing all the different ways 8wts can "bring down the house" the fact is that there is a difference between making sound at certain frequencies and making full range music. Don't misread, I am a huge low power amp fan, i just like to keep them within thier limitations. All speakers, even 100db, are happier in the low end being actually driven with power and a high dampening factor. Read Srajan's comments when he hooked his Zu's up to 60w pp. Sure he lost the magic to some degree, but the foundation to the music returns.His in room frequency response probably did not change at all.
I would stick with getting the most through proper room gain from a great two way with 15 watts.

As for the death of high end in the USA. Two words: China and Audiogon. And I am as guilty as everyone else. But that is a different topic.
Tvad, I listen to everything from rock to jazz to full orchestral, mostly vinyl.
Although I don't listen very loud most of the time, (i.e. ~80-85db), my impressions of the Coincidents are based on hearing them at Trelja's home, at dealers and shows.
Trelja has tried them w/numerous amps including Atma-Sphere M-60s, Granite monoblocks and Jadis integrated. I suggest you email him for a very informed opionion on the Coincidents.
Low power and 30hz bass aren't mutally exclusive, but not all that common either. I agree w/the other posters that you might have to sacrifice something or adapt your parameters a bit to get what you're after. Cheers,
I would stick with getting the most through proper room gain from a great two way with 15 watts.

Petland (Threads | Answers)
For example?

Low power and 30hz bass aren't mutally exclusive, but not all that common either.
Sbank (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)
Agreed. The Sonata III and Super Eclipse III are two options in a very, very small field.
something first order and easy to drive like say Meadowlarks, GMA's, Caravelles etc, even Proacs will do fine despite their sensitivity. I run an old pair of Kestrels in a bedroom occasionally with 2a3, and on the right material the sound is sweet. Impendence characteristics are far more important to satisfying sound with low power then sensitivity. Keeping 15 watts linear into your load is the challenge. You'll get in the high 30's in a room that small but having the amp driving an easier coil will keep things together better, particularly on complex music.
Sbank is right, low power and 30hz bass are not mutually exclusive, in fact pretty easy to do if all you are paying attention to is FR. I have just never heard those sytems hold it together in any type of complex musical passage.
K.C.S. offers 96db ribbon systems 28hz-35khz for $2500 shiping inc. I also have a used fostex f200a loudspeaker with raven r1 ribbon direct wired with tara labs ref gen 2 a transformer is used to match ribbon to f200a cab is maple with cherry laminet front baffle and incs a solid steel stand $1900 shipped 30hz-30khz 90db all alnico drivers.All cabs are baltic birch I also offer fostex fe206esr BLH 98db 40hz-20khz $2900 shipped email if you want a pic or owner referals.