Has anyone heard of these speaker?

I picked up a pair of TETRASOUND speakers in a pawn shop and they are incredible...I have heard they were developed by an Canadian. Does anyone have other information on these?
I heard a pair of Tetra speakers ina fellow audiogoner's house once (he was showing sophia tube products), and they were very nice sounding. They were canadian, and they have a website someplace. You should be able to google itup.
These speakers that I bought are not Tetra but Tetrasound... someone else told me that the model I have with the 1" x 12" TETRASOUND metal logo is an earlier version of one with a double triangle logo...
I believe the are long out of business. I did a quick search on them a while back and came up empty. I have heard they are fantastic speakers though. I considered buying a pair last year for around 800 CDN.
Nuguy...I agree they are fantastic...I would like to pick up another pair ... if you were considering buying a pair... where were they for sale... another pawn shop?
There was a local collector who was selling the speakers last year. I don't think there are many around, let alone for sale, If I recall correctly, they were Canadian and sold in the seventies or early eighties.
