Dear friends: This is a true time's celebration for all audiophiles over the world: 100th ORTOFON ANNIVERSARY.

ORTOFON needs no presentation but stop the press and stop/delay your next cartridge buy:



Btw, @mikelavigne as always your comments are welcomed.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
@lewm I will be trying the Concorde Century. But MC Century at $12K is beyond stupid. I can get an SME Model 20 for that price. Or a number of other awesome pieces of audio gear.

BTW, resonance would be at 11Hz. There are tons of other cartridges that would work just as well and better. And I'm not convinced that it's all that important.
I can think of no tube phono stages that will work well with a cartridge that has between 0.125 and 0.2 Mv of output. The age old argument has been that the less wire the less loss. IMHO, that is a bogus argument. What is lost by the necessity to have either an SUT or a “stressed” ss phono preamp, easily outweighs any gains in the minimization of the wiring. YMMV.
I enjoy the Ortofon cartridges a fair bit. Have an A90 on a Denon DP75 in VPI plinth and Acos GST 801 arm. There is a Cadenza Blue on a Technics SP10 MKII in obsidian plinth and EPA 250 arm. Have no problems with either cartridge into a Liberty Audio B2B-1 phono stage. Truth is the Cadenza Blue amazes me on a daily basis.

With that said i still adore my ZYX 4D.
Neo - you have a excellent Phono stage 😄🎶👍 - and no with the right amplifier any low output MC will shine.

Your B2B-1 is a boil down from this one

I fully agree the ZYX Cartridges are very special - excellent sound - even though the plastic body display a different perspective 

Good Listening 

Dear friends:  As in deep as I'm  with Ortofon I did not know that they started with FILM SOUND. Ortofon is a true ICON in the Audio Industry and perhaps no one knows so many about cartridge design or at least are second to none: Ortofon pedigree is astonishing/outstanding and we can read why and obviously the ones with Ortofon first hand audio experiences at their home:


this is the very first time ( and the best time to do it. ) that ORTOFON use diamond cantilevers in this Anniversary LOMC design. The cartridge must be something, at least, listening it in a top audio system.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,