Bi-wiring to 4 and 8Ω speakers

I use Parasound JC 1 monoblocks LCR, each of which has two pair of speaker terminals.  I'm wondering about connecting one pair to the 4Ω LF terminals of a KEF Reference 107/2 and the other pair to the 8Ω terminals of an LS50.  There would be no connection to the HF terminals of the 107/2.  Would mixing impedances in such a way endanger the JC 1s?  The goal is pairing the magnificent LF of the 107/2s with the modern MF/HF of the Uni-Q LS50s.

In a couple of weeks I expect to audition a pair of 207/2s and Reference 3s, both of which use Uni-Q for MH/HF.  Have yet to hear Blade 2s.

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Thanks guys,  I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing, running in circles trying to decided between keeping the 107/2s, buying 207/2s, or waiting for Blade 2s. The 107/2s sound very fine.  The real breakthrough for me has been Roon.

So I've been doing some reading. Those speakers rely on an active EQ circuit, the KUBE, that adjusts the signal levels before the amplifier. 

Of course, this would make the resulting output quite unusable for other speakers.


Thanks for the link, Erik, it motivated me to reread the series of reviews, and made me realize I should quit messing around and just continue to enjoy the superb sound of the 107/2s as I have for the last decade.
