Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet?

Things seem to have gone a little dark on these speakers, or am I imagining that?  I ordered mine in September and didn't receive them yet.  Was curious if anyone has received theirs yet?

Haven't seen any new online traffic regarding the speakers either, which makes me wonder if any are really out yet?

If so, are they as expected?

Emailed Zu but didn't hear back on the status.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xparsons
Thanks, I hadn't seen the very most recent update--and I looked a couple weeks ago.
Just posting here to hear some feedback from actual end-users.. I have a pair of Druid Vs.. and of course the question of whether the upgrade is worth the cost up as crossed my mind many times already!

Let me add that Zu seems very good about getting back to people, so a quick call or email should get some more info. 
They are usually quite responsive.  I’m going to call them again...still haven’t received mine.  I spoke with them a month ago and they implied mine were being painted.  But that was 4 to 5 weeks ago.

anyone else received them?
Garett says my pair is being shipped this afternoon.  With luck I will have a pair in hand by the end of next week and can do an initial out-of-box sound comparison to my well-trodden Soul Supremes.  I’m moving in about 6 weeks so this will be a good comparison of the VI’s in a smaller room for now (something I was hoping to do before I move as to hear the differences in the rooms, all else new space is about 3x the size of my current listening room).
Sorry if this is off-topic but I'm real curious to know what amps do you folks use with your Druids. The 101dB sensitivity along with a 16 ohm (10 ohm min) load must pose a matching challenge with most popular brand amps, particularly SS design, in the market. I'm looking at the Omens as a replacement for my home-made single driver speakers currently paired with a Sophia Electric 10wpc class A integrated.