Tidal does not post the cost to buy a song or an album on their site

Seeking to find out about streaming. I know Tidal charges $19.99 per month for listening to  high fidelity music on their site. But what if you want to purchase a song or an album? What is the cost?  There is no phone customer service phone number  that I could find to call and inquire. They do provide "Answers to frequently Asked Questions". I am surprised that nobody has asked the cost to purchase a song or an album. If I missed the information I have requested, would appreciate if somebody who used Tidal could provide assistance.  Thank you.  
Personally not interested in any product seller, music or otherwise
that does not provide a phone number to ask questions.
I find it offensive that after 8 kind people replied to my question above that I am still not sure about the purchase process.
Thank you.
I do not think I have ever tried to call them so not sure how that is working out for anybody.
I have had occasion to email before and I got replies within about 24 hours, have you tried email at all?
I know still very annoying but if all you are looking to do is purchase then as suggested maybe HDTracks might be a better fit?
Signing up for TIDAL is easy.  You go to the website, click on "Start Free Trial", arrange payment, create user name and password, and you are done.  Pretty standard process.  If you don't like it or find yourself not using it, then sign in to your TIDAL account and cancel your subscription.

Their business model is based on the efficiency of a standardized UEX, and they need to minimize personalized support.  You can contact them through the "FAQ" section of the web site.
They don't need to minimize personalized support.
This is their choice to increase their profits.
If people accept e mail only, that is their choice.
Frequently asked questions is a poor substitute for a person that
can truly help you.