Holy Moly Blu-Ray Disc Players below $300

I was in a major electronics chain store last weekend and they had the entry-level Samsung player at about $300. But what really got my attention is that the membership warehouse stores have the Sony 301 (that's a 300 plus HDMI cable included) for under $280.

Makes me wonder if I should have just sprung for that Oppo DV-980H. I *did* get it partly for its SACD/DVD-A capabilities, though.

Interesting direction of this thread. I am assisting some friends and relatives in purchasing HD video and audio equipment and have been doing some shopping. Within the last twelve hours I read an article in What HiFi about the PS3, talked to a sales person today who is using one as his Blue-ray player and game console, and just now read your posts here. So if somebody feels that they must purchase an HD DVD or Blu-ray player now that is capable of true high definition and upscaled DVD playback, I would advise them to consider the PS3.

Video playback from the PS3 looks like it is as good as or better than the top of the line Blue-ray or HD-DVD players, the PS3's software is easily and automatically upgraded via WiFi in your home, and the on board processor is super powerful. And it plays games. The only caveat is that better sound can be had in top end Hi Def players from Sony and other makers (at over three times the price). If you have access to a decent DAC in your receiver/processor, then digital sound signals can be processed there for high quality playback.

When the PS3 first came out priced at $600, I thought that was a stupid marketing move on Sony's part. Can you say "Macintosh"? But if Sony can sell them to enough households and get folks to use the player as the heart of their home entertainment system, then that is the kind of viral product everybody in sales is looking for. Watch out Microsoft...

PS - I saw a 720p/1080i Toshiba HD DVD player today for $179. I have not seen any full or limited resolution HD players for $99, yet... But that is why I originally said "Wait!" in response to this thread. It is only a matter of time before true Hi Def players and TVs are a dime a dozen.
The PS3 lags the Toshiba XA2 in video quality by quite a bit. This is due to the Reon Chipset in the Toshiba offering.
I have purchased the Toshiba HD XA2 for my theater system and can honestly say that the picture in high def is better than that of my Sony BDP-300.
The 300 also has some hiccups, image freezes issues.
I have not had any problem with the dual combo discs. SD DVD also look better on the Toshiba.
Built quality is also much better than the Sony.
I will be trying the second generation Pioneers next. Had the first generation and sent it back because of picture freeze, no sound, and sometimes fast forward picture during playback.
Good luck,
Future Shop has the Toshiba HD-D3 HD dvd player on sale for boxing day regular price $399.99 on sale for $99.99.
Wait. had been in or around this biz, in on form or another, for over a decade. And,Unless they're dumping a product from production in favor of superior units, are selling of referb units with blems and no warranty, there's NO WAY these prices can be right! - could they!?!
Weird. I'd like to know more on this story. I mean, prices have then fallen by like 80% in a year and a half time!
Is this all true?