The best place in NYC

 If you  on the market   to buy  high end loudspeakers , what is the best place in NYC area , when you planning
to choose ( based on you experiences ) or you prefer  Audiogone ?

@rodge827    No more Zu? (  Greg from Bache)

No never had Zu. Have listened to them at a couple of raves on tube and SS. Was unimpressed with both forms of amplification. I’m more of SET single driver guy these days.
Rhapsody is very impressive and Bob Visintainer is one of the very best guys in the industry. A pleasure to work with. I almost bought MBLs there years ago but could not make the stretch for the 101s. Early this year, I was super-impressed with Raidhos in his shop. I did not end up buying, but I wished I could. Someday, I'll just have to buy something from him.