Holy Moly Blu-Ray Disc Players below $300

I was in a major electronics chain store last weekend and they had the entry-level Samsung player at about $300. But what really got my attention is that the membership warehouse stores have the Sony 301 (that's a 300 plus HDMI cable included) for under $280.

Makes me wonder if I should have just sprung for that Oppo DV-980H. I *did* get it partly for its SACD/DVD-A capabilities, though.
Here is some information about storage capacities from JKalman's Wikipedia Link. This is exactly what I was referring to as far as most Blu Ray disks being 25 GB to Hd-DVDs 30 GB as an FYI.

As of November 2007, 44% of Blu-ray titles use the 50 GB disc and 56% use the 25 GB disc[90] while almost all HD DVD movies are in the 30 GB dual layer format.[91]

Not a huge deal at this point but does clarify and support what I was trying to say.

You don't get it... Those HD-DVD discs are using two layers to get a little bit more space than one layer on a Blu-Ray disc. That is A LOT less storage capacity. It doesn't make sense to use more than you need, so why would they use dual layers unless it is necessary? Why spend the extra money until you need to use two layers? HD-DVD, needs two layers in order to compete with one layer on the Blu-Ray discs... So they HAVE to use two layers on every disc in order to fit the information on it. That isn't a good thing for HD-DVD, that is a weakness.

A HD-DVD needs three layers to get one more gigabyte than a dual layer Blu-Ray disc. That is a huge discrepancy in storage space comparison wise.

Blu-Ray capacity:

Single layer = 25 GB
Dual layer = 50 GB

HD-DVD capacity:

Single layer = 15 GB
Dual layer = 30 GB
Triple layer = 51 GB

Blu-Ray has managed to achieve four layers on a disc, but so far does not have a need to implement the additional storage space, but for people interested in removable storage, that is a tremendous perk down the road.
I own both formats and don't care about the "technology" behind each. I just want to put a disc in my player(s) and watch movies. That having been said, from first hand experience I perceive HD-DVD to be the more complete product at this point. I have yet to have a HD-DVD fail to play in my XA2. My Blu-Ray experience has been more frustrating (Samsung 1200) because it seems that every time certain studios (Disney/Fox) release a new line of movies I have to wait about a month on a firmware update before they will play in my player. Therefore, it is clear to me that the technology behind Blu-ray is still evolving. For that reason, I would be very hesitant to recommend a Blu-ray player to friends/family at this point. On the other hand, I bought my parents an HD-DVD player for Christmas.
My Blu-Ray experience has been more frustrating (Samsung 1200) because it seems that every time certain studios (Disney/Fox) release a new line of movies I have to wait about a month on a firmware update before they will play in my player. Therefore, it is clear to me that the technology behind Blu-ray is still evolving.

That is quiet an irrational jump in logic. That since your specific Samsung equipment has a lot of problems, therefore it is the Blu-Ray format's fault. Quite the logical fallacy.

I've never had a problem with my player that wasn't resolved within 5 minutes via a download, and that was only once with the recent "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" disc release. I've never had a single problem before that, and I have over 50 Blu-Ray discs and have played a lot more Blu-Ray discs in my system when you add in all of my Blockbuster Video Blu-Ray rentals...

Perhaps you should focus your negative attention where it belongs, at Samsung.
Jkalman, wow, where did that come from? Look, I was simply relaying my personal experiences with the two formats and I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me in your reply. As indicated, I own both formats and certainly have no agenda to advance. Please take the attitude over to AVS or AA where its accepted. Peace, brother, and have a Happy New Year.
Jkalman, wow, where did that come from? Look, I was simply relaying my personal experiences with the two formats and I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me in your reply.

I didn't attack you. It was faulty logic on your part and you are using that faulty logic to blame an entire format for the problems you are having with one piece of Samsung equipment. In other words, you are generalizing all of Blu-Ray under one umbrella because of your experiences with one piece of playback equipment from a single manufacturer.

If you can't handle someone deconstructing what you post when what you post is faulty, then perhaps you should think more about what you post before clicking the "submit" button, or perhaps consider not posting at all. It certainly would be better than watching you play the victim when someone points out the nonsensical reasoning in your posts.