What speakers play the loudest cleanly ?

Wondering what speakers you guys have auditioned that play very loudly while remaining clean? In my (limited) experience it would be Revel Salons but I'm wondering what else is out there along those lines? I have no particuliarly good reason for the question, just curious.
In most cases, the speaker is not the problem, it is the amp!!! If you take an amp rated at 30 watts RMS and try to play speakers with a sensitivity rating of 89 dB very loud, the amp will start clipping and distorting. However, if you take the same amp and hook it up to speakers rated at 98 db, it will hurt your ears with clean undistorted sound. The key relationsip is matiching amp output to speaker sensitivity if you want clean undistorted sound at high dB levels.

If you power them well, Dynaudios are a speaker that fits the bill (and the main reason I own them). I generally listen at loud levels and it seems that the louder they get, the better they sound.
Hello all, I think that when someone says what speakers play loud or I listen loud we need a reference. The poster of this post says "that play very loudly" what do you think is loud? Have any of the responders measured their system when it is playing loud? How loud is loud? 90db+, 100db+ or perhaps 110db+. I am sure the last would be loud. High 90dbs to me is loud in my system with rare peaks above 105db and even rarer above 110db.