What speakers play the loudest cleanly ?

Wondering what speakers you guys have auditioned that play very loudly while remaining clean? In my (limited) experience it would be Revel Salons but I'm wondering what else is out there along those lines? I have no particuliarly good reason for the question, just curious.
Was just thinking of this old thread as I sold my Klipsch RF-83's recently. Anyone else want to chime in?
OHM Walsh. I've owned various models since ~ 1981 and run them both indoors and out. Nothing phases them! Not even my current 500w/ch Class D amp. They just deliver whatever you throw at them.

Once circa 1985 or so, I ran my old Walsh 2s on a farmhouse porch off my old 80w/ch Tandberg receiver for a grad school party going on in a field 50-100 yards away and let it crank like never before. I was shocked. Was that my system or a live group performing on that farmhouse porch? The best sound I had heard ever out of a stereo system ( up to that time).

Also, for small monitors, my Dynaudios go loud extremely well. I believe Dynaudios in general probably do.