Converting cd's to high resolution audio

All my music is on cd's and my reading tells me that the cd itself has a limited shelf life and will degrade over time.
Any recommendations about converting my cd's to FLAC or some type of high quality music files. Not looking for
compressed files.
I see products such as the Blue Sound Music Vault and a Sony High Resolution Music Player.
Does anybody have any thoughts about how to accomplish this goal?

Thank you. 
CDs are encoded at 16 bits with a sampling rate of 44.1khz.  Your not pulling more information off the disk than what is there.

If you want to convert to DSD and you like the change in sound that provides, great. If you have one DAC you prefer over another, that is great. If you want to tout better sound due to reduction in jitter, better clocking, superior analog output stages, fine. But please don't provide misinformation about retrieving "more data", your simply not.

I did 500 CD’s on a single PC using MediaMonkey. No issues at all.

Might be worth building a mini-PC just to do ripping, compared to the high-end offerings. :) 


Excellent discussion guys. I have only (1) CD that is bronze compared to silver in color. It is a disc from the 80's and spent most, if not all of its time, in Europe. Still plays fine indeed. As luck would have it I do not own any Compact Disc that exhibits "rot".Happy Listening!
“If you want to convert to DSD and you like the change in sound that provides, great. If you have one DAC you prefer over another, that is great. If you want to tout better sound due to reduction in jitter, better clocking, superior analog output stages, fine. But please don't provide misinformation about retrieving "more data", your simply not.”

Excellent summation. Well said.
I ripped my 500+ CD collection using my old Mac mini and iTunes to Apple lossless format.  Yes, I have a backup disk, too.  I use the Mac as the media player connected to the TV to browse music using iTunes, or just using Hyperfine Remote app (on any phone or tablet).  I use the Mac digital out to a DAC.