Best sub for Dynaudio 1.3SE's

I was curious to see what people were using for a sub for their Dynaudio speakers. I am looking at HSU, both for two channel and for home theater... though the 1.3SE really does not need a sub for 2 channel.
I have my 1.3SE's teamed up with a REL Storm III. I highly recommend this combo! My past experience with Velodyne SPL-1000 was just so-so.
IMLHO I think the REL is pretty good but ----- not up to good integration with the Dyna's which are very high quality very fast drivers.

Also I am NOT a fan of plate amps. I use a Threshold on my subs, prior to that was MUSE which was excellent but just nat's hair slower than the Threshold but had much more explosive bass. I have my subs matched to big maggies so speed is of the essence, and I think with Dyna's you'll find the same thing.

The Vandersteen subs were very quick for a lower cost mass market sub.

Well I have my 1.3 matched up to Dynaudio Sub 500. Seems like an easy match and sounds good, as they say Danes don't lie.
I used a Dynaudio Sub 250 with my Special 25's for home theater, but in the end it was overkill. With the right gear and room treatments you really shouldn’t need a sub for 1.3SE.
I recently auditioned a REL R218 with my Dynaudio Audience 52SEs. It sounded excellent and well matched. In the end I bought a pair of Contour S1.4s to use instead of my 52SE, and abandoned my plans to use a sub in that system (analog 2-channel music). I have a Dyn Sub500 in my 7.1 HT system, so I may drag it upstairs sometime to the music room and see how it plays with the S1.4s.