Mcintosh 452 vs Pass Labs XA 30.5

Hello everyone, I'm at the Mcintosh house and so maybe part of the answers will be taken for granted, thanks to the desire to try new devices I'm evaluating a transition from my current Final Pass Xa 30.5 to a MC452. Even the pre should be replaced by switching from an Xp10 Pass to the Mcintosh C48.
I use the Totem Mani 2, Audio Physic Scorpio 2 and Tannoy Eaton speakers in a listening environment of around 20 sqm at low and medium volumes.
I would like some advice from those who have had the opportunity to try, comparing these brands and the good interface between the coupled MC 48 and 452 and my speakers.
Thank you.
We can proof it by facts. That is what we do. It is very easy to explain. We have many many clients in my whole country with Tru-Fi systems.

When a client is looking for something in a particular price range we send them to client who own stuff in the price range they are looking for.

So we advice tgem always to bring in their own music they know well. So they can listen to a Tru-Fi system with their own music. The results are always the same. 

They are often amazed how big the differences are in emotion and intensity. They understand that it is superior to what they own and what they auditoned in other shops.

Audio is shootout and comparing. We work totaaly different. We spend so much more time in both sound&vision. I am addicted to it since I was a child. I spend over 200 dollars on new music each month. We love to visit live concerts as well.

Tru-Fi brings people so much closer to the truth and how music sounds and is being displayed in space.

We create many new upgrades for our clients all the time. They can take a listen to many tools and modifications in their own system before they buy it.

It is always our goal to create a superior upgrade for a price no other company can give. I have many clients who in the past where doing audio by trial and error.

Many often got tired because they were not able to get the sound they were hoping for to find. Most of them use their system each single day. 

It is our focus to create a stunning level in sound and music for each single person. That is why we did research in many diefferent price levels. I want other people to have the same experience as my clients have.

So they can experience the real emotion their music possesses. I want people to learn something. That is why I want to use conservatorium students so people can learn and understand how sound and music works.

@d2girls Your reactions here on Audiogon proof you want to say something to peoole you don't agree with.

When you create your system by trial and error you will never understand why the stage and souns is what you hear. You do it all pure on gambling. It proofs that you do it at the elvel of a child, Based on the fact thta there is no foundation.

So tell us what your foundation is to create your audio system. And what is your reference you found your decisions on?
I see you use horn loudspeakers. I can garantee you when you would listen a lot to live music in small settings you would never buy horn loudspeakers. Based on the fact that it builds the stage a lot different than voices and instruments do in real.

A horn loudspeaker also owns his particular sound. Often people use warm sounding amps and tubes to colorize the sound of the loudspeaker.

You want an audio system sound as realistsic as possible. Like you want to create the same intimate stage and focus of voices and instruments.

When you would listen to live music regarding both voices and instruments they are very small and direct. But when you listen to most horn loudspeakers often they are projected out of proportion. The peopel who make these mistakes have no idea hwo big they are in real.

I often asked them on shows why the instruments and voices are that big? And I asled them also often do you know how big voices and instrumentd are in real?

Often the have no idea. Most audio systems are all based on pure gambling. When people think this is the best way to create an audio system, I think they have no idea what they are doing!
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