Zu Druid questions

For some reason I've ttally overlooked these speakers. I've seen them mentioned many times and am unsure why they didn't catch my attention until now.

Anyhow, I'm very curious. I am currently running a pair of Usher 6381's. Has anyone listenedd to both the six series Ushers and the Druids? I'd love to hear your observations.

These appear to be basically a horn type speaker in the way they function. Do they have a sound similar to that of say the Klipsh heritage series, or am I way off bass?

I once owned a pair of LaScallas that I loved, but just could not put up with the size. These have peaked my interest.

If I were to compare them to my Ushers (CP-6381) and describe them in audiophile terms, they would not hold up.

They don't have the bass extension or detail, they don't image as well, don't have the soundfield width or depth, don't have the separation or air around the instruments, the highs are not as extended and are some what reticent

Jack_dotson (Threads | Answers)

Interesting, because when I re-read my comments above on the speaker measurements your description matches entirely what would be expected. Perhaps measurements are worth something...not much but they do offer some guidance.

Bottom line, IMO; if your a music lover you will like these speakers. If your an audio system lover you might not.

This is something the measurements are unable to quantify. Perhaps the most important aspect of any speaker for many music lovers and shows why this is such a successful speaker.

Enjoy and Congratulations! Thx for the forthright review.
Jaybo, The Ushers are very good. Ive owned 2 pairs.. But, classics? come on really?
Jack, thanks for the review. Two weeks ago I wrote almost the exact same words in a review I sent to Sean!

Like you, it took me a while to "get them". My first response was very critical, and in direct A-B comparison after listening to my PMC, the Druids sounded dull and flat.

Then I switched back to the "technically accurate audiophile speakers" and... they were now spiky, hyped, annoying.

Back to the Druids, and ahhh. They had me.

Realistic, musical, captivating, and fun. I am a musician and recording studio owner, and these Druids are just eerie in their ability to reproduce the sensation of a live performance.

Wonderful speakers. I sold my PMCs immediately.

I also have mine on hard surfaces, spaced 10 mm with the rounded tip supports. The short spikes, if that is what you got with yours, are not nearly long enough to reach through most carpets and pads. Zu will send you a set of longer spikes if you ask, if you want to use that method.

After listening without a sub, I fired up my pair of Hsu to fill up that supposedly "missing" lower octave. Yuck.

Subs had always worked great with all other speakers I've had in here over the years. But not now, they were detracting from the clear tonality of the Zu bass.

I took the subwoofers completely out of the room.

Mine are not far out from the walls, and are not spaced in an ideal alignment. Doesn't matter... they sound spectacular anyway.

I've used the Druids with several amps -- Carver M-1.5t, Denon solid state, McIntosh MC225 tube, and Bel Canto eVo. The Bel Canto demolished the others, for musical integrity, frequency response, and resonance.

Have fun with them. I've already ordered a second pair :)
