Best Phono Cable for SME Series V

I have recently acquired an SME Series V tonarm and would like to replace a) the standard tonearm wire with a high-quality phono cable to connect the tonearm with my phono pre (Omtec Antares CP-1i V4). I was told Cardas Golden Reference is nice as well as the products from Furutech and Nordost.
Furthermore I would like to replace the four tiny cables which connect the cartridge (Lyra Delos) with the tonearm itself (are these tiny cables available from different manufacturers?).
Any recommendations ? Thanks!
Hey all, old thread, perhaps better late than never... I might be able to lend a bit of experience to this subject. 

I have had a SME V with the Kondo fairy-hair silver litz wire in it now for years and have transitioned from a Linn Arkiv, then Akiva (scan tech), now Lyra Kleos. I’m using the silver Ortofon jumpers off the cart to the tonearm. These conductors have all been burned in on a cable cooker. 

I have run both the Nordost TYR and Silver Breeze from the Cardas din to an Aesthetix Rhea to a Calypso both Signature versions with very good results. 

The Silver Breeze is a wonderful performer and a huge bang for the buck. It’s beautifully made and sonically I was left wanting for very little, lovely, musical. I highly recommend it, but your ears and your kit need to be the final deciding.  

It was very close to the Nordost TYR in transparency and total resolution without smearing or mis-coloration. Perhaps the SB had a bit more sparkle and tonality. Too bad Nordost seems like they may never get around to produce a TYR Norse 2 phono cable (the only missing piece in their lineup). I have tried a TYR Norse 2 IC between my preamp and phono and believe that the warmth and tonal shift puts it head and shoulders above the original. Given that the Valhalla is like five times as pricy, I just can’t be going there. 

Hope this may offer some helpful insight. 

Happy Listening!
When you change the tonearm to phono lead, for the sake of matching, dont you also have to (ideally) change the tonearm internal wiring, painful though it may prove to do?
I wonder if you guys can help me in getting good phono cable. Given the above discussion things changed with new products from Purist, Cardas and others so I wonder how the current offer stands against to date favorites mentioned here. Currently I have Audio Origami for my Linn LP12 but I think I am ready for something new.  I guess VdH 501 Hybrid is not one of the favorites although I think it is still used as standard cable for SME. So what you think would be now the option for new and revealing phono cable that would really make a difference. I am after detailed and revealing cable that is also musical and involving. Any recommendations?