In search of respectable/reasonable tube amps with 16 ohm taps

Looking for suggestions of respectable quality tube amps that are priced within reason (under $5k as a power amp or integrated, or more if the quality is represented) with 16 ohm taps.  Would prefer current models as used equipment presents it's own set of variables, but used is not out of the question.  Would consider mono blocks and realize there is typically a little more expense associated with them.  Before anyone says, "Have you considered . . .?" I probably haven't.  Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

This is my first post.  I've read a fair bit here, but I don't know all of the ins and outs of asking a question without potential flames, so I thought I'd just learn on the fly.  I have greatly enjoyed this forum.
I just saw the US Audiomart ad for the Eicho EL34 Mono's. $1400 is a fair price! If I didn't already have a pair of the Paoli's I'd grab them! So you should buy them while they're available! I think you will be very pleased with the Eicho's!
Alternative no.2 would be the Baldwin 6L6 tube amp from Will Vincent (autospec) on this site. Single chassis two channels stereo from the Golden Age! Completely rebuilt with new parts. Auto-bias, too! $1000! I have bought from Will before and he does excellent work! Highly recommended!
You might call DejaVu Audio in Tyson’s, VA. They make their own tube amps using vintage parts. Try to talk to Vu. See what, if anything, he has to offer. 
The photo of the underside of the EICO HF-35 amps is interesting.  The modifier has converted the amps to fixed bias rather than stock cathode bias, he is using a 12ax7 for the front end instead of the EF86, he improved the amp ground connections by using a buss bar instead of chassis connections, and he is using some very old Wonder Caps for the coupling capacitors.  It’s curious that he replaced the captive AC cord with an IEC socket yet he did not connect the earth tab on the IEC to the chassis.  While that will work fine electrically it means he isn’t taking advantage of the safety protection afforded by a 3-wire power cord.

All in all, the amps probably sound pretty nice but those old Wonder Caps should definitely be replaced by better sounding caps.  They were quite colored—-lean, bright and “plastic” sounding.  If these were my amps, I would replace the Wonder Caps with some Copper V-Caps and then sit back and enjoy the music.