the smoothest sounding speaker

Any recommendations for a smooth sounding speaker? One that won't give you ear fatigue playing CD's. One that doesn't require playing vinyl to sound good.
Vandersteen's come to mind but I would like better resolution. How about Aerials? Is it possible to have both good resolution and still non-fatiguing sound?

In 2004, I see you described your profession as an "engineer".

So you are not a Harbeth dealer? Do the images on your system link belong to Harbeth?

Re not smooth, I would agree regarding Sonus Fabers, I had a pair of Cremonas once, and kept them for about 3 days.

Others may differ.

I am an avid Harbeth user who bought the speakers from a Harbeth dealer and the images on my system page are actual photos of my system. A friend of mine who owned the Cremonas described them the same way I felt about the Grand Piano Concertos. He moved to the Harbeth as well.

Everyone hears things differently so there will be others who may have a different opinion.
Jean Marie Reynaud speakers probably also fall into the category of "smooth and resolving" when paired with the proper electronics.

Beyond that, they are amazing musical and engrossing.