Looking for a quality all around unit

I am selling off all my separates. Except for my turntable (and maybe my vintage speakers). I would like to find a one unit that can connect to a tv as well as the turntable and mp3 players. I am not impressed with those $2000 AV Receivers such as Denon/Yamaha/Marantz. Quality seem rather low. Want something with some heft and meat but simple. Not into all those blings. Reason for this thinking is that I live in NY. Space is gold here. So anything that can save space. output good sound and feel good spending a decent amount of dough goes a long way. Suggestions.
These are really helpful suggestion. Thanks. Any thoughts of a successful 2 channel integrated amp Home Theater?
Mine currently is:

vintage Yamaha cr-420 (receiver)
Marantz DVD player (~ $350 3-4 years ago, model # not handy)
Sony VHS recorder/TV tuner
Triangle Titus speakers with M&K sub (see system pics)
Dual 1264 tt hooked in for good luck

This is in an average sized family room. Sounds great, clean, musical, not the ultimate for movie sound effects, but very respectable there.

Total cost second hand for receiver/amp + speakers + sub today on used market probably ~ $700-$800 dollars.
Well, the Meridian G95 is probably the best all in one box you can get. And it has a dvd player in it too. The only problem is that it's really expensive! Though there is one on sale here on Audiogon for $5200 right now...
