Best movie for subwoofer test ?

What is the best movie or movies to test subwoofer.
thank you.
Best demo disc for sub-woofer is Live Free or Die hard. When I play this, guests ask me if I have something wired to vibrate the couch. I do not -- it is the subwoofer shaking the room. The great thing about this soundtrack is that there are rapid fire bursts that really demonstrate the capability of a quick and articulate sub-woofer. It'll have your shirt flapping!

I'm not a fan of the Police: Certifiable. Yes, it does have lo end for your sub-woofer, but it is the dull thump kind, not well articulated bass.
The Dark Night - has a continuous bass growl. Check it out you will not be disappointed. Well at least from the sub test.
The Dark Knight , the whole room vibrated through half the move seemed like.
My best pics have already been listed.

Just wanted to add that for me the biggest audio difference between SDVD and BDP is bass response in Dolby True or DTD-Master.