I am TORN between Tube power amp and SS power amp.

I planned on running my Hagerman Clarinet with either my Hafler DH-500 (looking at "Ultimate" Audiophile Upgrade sold on Ebay at $975.00 - complete upgrade from power caps, driver boards to Exicon MOSFETs, which has "rave reviews") or building DIY VTA ST-120 which will cost a bit more. Does anyone had an experience on both of these amps? I know comparing tube and SS is like comparing apples and oranges, but hoping your feedback may help me decide. Cheers!
If you like heat and replacing power tubes every 6 months then go with tubes.I like a SS amp that sounds the same every day i had tube amps such as CJ premier 5s,ARC d150 etc. Im very happy with solid state however i do have a tube phono stage and love it.Good luck though!
Uh, I think replacing power tubes every 6 months is a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe I'm just lucky but I haven't had that experience.
But anything is possible.

No experience with the amplifiers you mention but the Hafler, if in good working condition and no issues would be my choice.

I grew up during a time when there were no SS audio gear.  Sure I've had my share of SS amps but I prefer the sound of a SET amp.
Depends on the amp and the reliability of the tubes in some amps they can last over one year or more.What about when tubes blow out this happens.