Which site is Best for Downloading/Uploading Hi Rez


   I quite new to this game of streaming,uploading and High resolution music.Ive been for a good part of my life into Vinyl/CD.I would say for the last 1 or so ive been dabbling into the world of internet coupled with audio.I bought about 6 months ago a Cambridge CNX Internet Music Player(Streamer),and I must say,its quite impressive! I was excpecting it to sound artificial and "Clinical" sounding,but to my surprise it was natural in sound.Ive also gotton into DAPs or digital audio players! Im only using Spotify,and im not too sure what sampling rate this would be considered? Does there exist particular sites that I could get "High Rez" music,and that it wouldnt cost me much more than Spotify or even Tidal?
Here’s a link to What Hi-Fi’s review with all of your questions answered! 
No need for MQA device is a nice plus. It’s actually 60 days free. I’m only a week into my subscription, so I haven’t dug too far into the catalog (lots of A list pop and a good dose of well-known jazz and rock) but it sure beats having to download, save, store, retrieve... MQA is 24/192. 
Adopt a college kid if you don’t have one and you can try it for a year for $100. 

      Its THAT good eh? Dont know about adopting at 60 years old though...Somehow I find the older you get,the less tolerance one has for things that normally wouldnt bother me! All I would need at this point in my life is some teenager blasting away rap music for hours on end...That would undisputably drive me %100 over the edge!! And would most likely never recuperate..I'll stick to the 20 a month deal...That just may have been a question to ask me when I was a bit younger, flynnrd..

But appreciate the thought.

    I just read what they (What Hi-Fi) had to say regarding Tidal and streaming Hi Rez music..
Its all thumbs up except for the restriction of only being accessable on a "Desk Top" computer! Wow,
Not even on my laptop?? And what about all this Special "Hardware" needed??