Tekton custom grills

There are some active discussions concerning the delivery of speakers and specifically speaker grills for the incredible Tekton Speakers. But nothing on this forum. I'm now nine months waiting on grill delivery. Anyone else??
This post was originally listed in 2013,thats 5 years later with the same poor customer service..I heard the monitor and imo it sucked to put it bluntly.Why bother with this company?

Missioncoonery writes:

"Why bother with this company?"

It's because the speakers sound so good. Plain and simple. Eric doesn't place importance on grills and you have to force his hand and, yes, Karma is the one to deal with.

No other speaker company is even close to Eric's quality level at his price points and saving on customer service is one of the reasons why he can offer such impressive speakers at closeout prices.

So I put up with the CS in order to get a great product at the best possible price. If you want great customer service, spend 5 or 10 times as much and go with a fine company such as Wilson.

craig, do the math.  If you hire one additional person to build grills, the expense of that one person spread over all the speakers sold is not going to come close to increasing the speaker cost by 5 or 10 times.  $50,000/1,000 speakers sold = $50 per speaker.  CS is CS.    


You should send your ideas to Eric, by way of Karma at tektondesign@gmail.com. Threads such as this will serve some purpose but direct contact is always more efficient.

Three Points

First, inexpensive CS is ONLY ONE of the ways in which Eric saves business costs. Other areas are 1) no/little advertising, 2) brilliant product development but without traditional methods/time/costs, 3) Small physical plant, 4) direct sales, and 5) careful driver selection. Eric probably could tell you many others.

Second, a good portion of my corporate career was spent in quality assurance at customer service centers. CS is very expensive and at smaller companies takes a disproportionate amount of the budget. Eric handles a lot of contact himself and Karma helps with most of the rest. This can be an ideal approach if done properly. Sometimes, however, personalities conflict.

Third, whenever I start buying from a company such as Tekton, one of my goals is to help them succeed because their success is also mine. Have the DIs and am considering either another set or the Ulfberhts. It is, consequently, IN MY BEST INTERESTS for Eric to continue and prosper. Suggest that all Tekton owners fall into this category.

"no advertising"
Guessing you don't subscribe to Stereophile - there has been a monthly Tekton add.