Can someone explain to me why : Accupahse Equipment is that expensive ?

…….I was recently looking into their Power Conditioners as well as their Amplifiers and for a company where there is very little reviews done on their products, along with a small ( here in the US anyway )  almost a cult following if someone could tell me why is their prices the way they are. I just don't understand it. I have listened to their equipment and is nice and the build quality is very good but ; I always said to myself ; '' Not for that price ". I do not mean to be in an any way inflammatory with this statement but is :  Accuphase the McIntosh of the East ?  McIntosh makes some nice stuff but is no way priced like Accuphase, however it seems to operate very much with the same business model ; you are paying for the name and the pride of ownership and the sound is very much dated. Maybe I am missing something here and the sound is very good and like Rolex you buy a piece and you are set for a lifetime. FM Acoustics is also another one of the those companies......Just looking for a really good amp and these companies come up in my search but I am just sitting here scratching my head ?           
That's a real shame. According to whitecamaross and riaa you wasted your money because Mac is mid-fi, and they are the experts... 
I get your point...I thought about that possibility after I posted.

Experts or not, after 50 years in this hobby, nothing has drawn me in closer to the music than McIntosh.  There is a rightness to the sound that I didn't get with other comparatively priced equipment..  For the first time in years, I look forward to listening to my 2 systems and I am now buying new music again.  There is also a pride of ownership with the McIntosh that is hard to describe.
Anecdotally, of the many amps I've heard, the ones that stopped me in my tracks were all tubed except for an Accuphase and a Levinson ML23.  But that was a long time ago.  If I were interested in the best solid state now, I'd compare Accuphase with Rowland.
Just about convinced myself to take the e360 I am looking at for an extended test drive in my system.
Again one of those things I have promised to myself to do like Wilson speakers and a Nottingham Analog tt.