price of Oppo players threw the roof

Was over at Amazon the 203 was priced around $1100. Pure greed.
Received my Oppo 205. updated firmware 0115 and 0118. Streaming Tidal MQA from iMac. Showing MQA. Many MQA are 96k/24bit.  Sound is so airy and image so clear. Challenge my SACD collection. Can’t beat for its price $1299. If you can still get one, go for it. Even if is $2000 eBay price, still worth it.
coyotesx5  I am unsure of purchasing expensive speakers $50K to $60K because if a driver fails, it maybe irreplaceable if the manufacturer goes out of business.  The three I'm considering are von Schweikert VR55K, Einstein and Lumenswhites.   Companies like Bryston and B&W or Harmon Group products have major company sales including professional so they will probably always be around.  Audio Research and McIntosh, also major names, were sold to conglomerates too.  I'm just worried about making big ticket purchases from small companies.  Oppo fits into the small company realm.  I'd rather purchase an Esoteric (Teac) SACD player DV60 for Blu ray and SACD and let my TV upscale to 4K.  
It breaks my heart to read about people who bought a uber expensive amp or something from a 1 man operation, only to have the  person die or go out of business and leave the hobbyist with a very expensive piece of junk.

I had 3 different Audible Illusions Modulus preamps from 1992 to 2015, and my main reason for going with other equipment was because Art Ferris is semi retired and the factory (probably 3 people at most) is even slower than it was in their heydays.  The equipment is too expensive to take a big hit.
Thank you for the reassurance, boucher.  Being patient will be a bit easier, given that I at least have a new 203 to enjoy in the meantime.  And it does a very nice job with SACDs and DSD files, as well as with feeding PCM files to my receiver's DAC.  Congrats on your 205 purchase invitation!  I hope you'll let us know how the 205 works out for you. 
Wasent esoteric( teac) part of the Gibson group that was mismanaged to death?

Personally I am quite happy to take a $1300 roll of the dice with OPPO for my previously stated reasons