Fosgate Signature Phono Preamp

Does anyone have any experience with the new Fosgate Phono Preamp? I'm currently using the Moon LP 5.3 with power supply upgrade which has been great, but I'm intrigued by the Fosgate. I've been auditioning one for the last few weeks and really like it. It has a very natural tone and listening to music with it is very enjoyable.

My one concern is that I hear much higher noise vs. the Moon when the needle isn't on the record. Not sure if this should be a real concern, given that I like what I'm hearing, but would like to hear other perspectives.
Does anyone know if the Foz uses step-up xformers (SUTs) for the MC section?  If not, which tubes are utilized for the MC portion of the preamp?
I have the Foz.

Those 2 cans are NOT step ups.

The circuit has active gain. According to the manual, only tube 3(12AX7) makes a noticeable sonic change.

On a side note- those 2 cans are used as footers on my old REL sub!
Hello tablejockey.......can you tell me what your impressions of the preamp are and if you've done any experimenting with tube-rolling?